Monitoring Program Photos

   This page is devoted to photographs of our Monitoring Program, organized by date and in reverse chronologial order (the most recent photos are at the top).

December 5-6, 2023:  Measuring Streamflow & Water Quality Sampling

    On these two chilly late fall days, with temps hovering in the low-40s, our teams undertook streamflow monitoring at four sites, and water quality sampling at five sites.  At Killinger Creek, streamflow was too slow and the water too stagnant to undertake any testing.  Teams were led by Katie Hollen of the Lebanon County Conservation District and comprised of Lydia Mohn of the LCCD, and volunteers Bob Connell, Michael Schroeder, Tony Shaw, and Gary Zelinske.


Above:  Bob Connell braves the cold water taking water samples at station Q1 on the Quittie mainstem. 

Above:  Bob Connell dries & warms his hands after taking water samples at the Garfield St monitoring site, with LCCD Mosquito-borne Disease Control Program Coordinator Lydia Mohn looking on.


Above:  At the Garfield St. monitoring site in Cleona.  From left, Michael Schroeder taking the selfie, Bob Connell with the towel draped around his neck, Lydia Mohn whose hat is visible, Tony Shaw with his back to the camera, and Katie Hollen peeking in at far right.


Above: Lydia Mohn of the LCCD reading the measurements from the multi-parameter sonde immersed in the stream at Garfield St in Cleona (temp, dissolved O2, etc.) with LCCD Watershed Specialist Katie Hollen recording the data in her field notebook.


Above: On the Garfield St. bridge, Katie Hollen records the data from the sonde being read by Lydia Mohn.


Above: Measuring streamflow, with Lydia Mohn & Tony Shaw in the creek and Katie Hollen & Bob Connell recording the data.


Above:  On Beck Creek at Bricker Lane: Lydia Mohn with the multi-parameter sonde and Katie Hollen recording the data. 


Above:  Katie Hollen braving the near-freezing water to take water samples from Beck Creek at Bricker Lane. 


Above: Bob Connell & Gary Zelinske measuring streamflow in Beck Creek at Bricker Lane.


Above: Lydia's turn to take water samples!


Above:  Bob Connell & Gary Zelinske measuring streamflow on Bachman Run near Louser Rd. 

November 16, 2023:  Collecting Macroinvertebrates

    Just one photo of our fieldwork today, courtesy of Bob Connell, with the team collecting macroinvertebrates from samples collected from Bachman Run.


Above:  Katie Hollen, Lydia Mohn, Gary Zelinske, and Lebanon Valley College student Charles Katona.  Below:  Close-up of the collection process, using tweezers, bottles of ethanol, and sharp eyes.  Photo courtesy of Bob Connell.


May 24-25, 2023:  Water Quality Sampling


Above:  In the basement lab of Neidig-Garber Science Center at Lebanon Valley College on the morning of Wed. May 24, preparing for the day's fieldwork.  From left:  Michael Schroeder, a student who happened to be there, Professor of Biology Becky Urban, Kent Crawford, and Bob Connell. 


Above: Michael Schroeder snaps a selfie with David Ethridge in the background taking water samples at monitoring station Q2 at Palmyra-Bellegrove Road on Wed. May 24.  Earlier in the day, samples were also taken from Q1 (Quittie mainstem at Garfield St.).  The next day, Thurs. May 25, samples were taken from S1 (Snitz Creek off Dairy Rd.) and BM1 (Bachman Run at Louser Rd.). 


Above:  Kent Crawford leads our team by instructing us in the rigorous water sampling techniques we need to follow in order to yield reliable data, at the Snitz Creek (S1) monitoring station.  Lending a hand are Katie Hollen (her face only partly visible behind Kent) and Willie Bixler.


Above:  At the Bachman Run monitoring station (BM1), with Bob Connell holding the multiparameter sonde, Kent Crawford in the red vest holding his field notebook, and Willie Bixler lending a hand.

April 18, 2023:  Measuring Streamflow on the Quittie Mainstem


Above:  Kent Crawford and Bob Connell affix the tape measure on the north side of Quittie Creek just downstream of the Spruce St. bridge in Annville as the first step in measuring streamflow.


Above:  Kent Crawford records data in his field notebook, Bob Connell (far left) holds one of two top set wading rods with a pygmy velocity meter attached; Shawn Jacobs holds a second one; and Michael Schroeder (far right) reads the tape measure.


Above:  Kent Crawford records data in his field notebook; Bob Connell (at left with his back to the camera) watches; Shawn Jacobs holds a wading rod as he reads the tape measure; and Gary Zelinske approaches at right, with the Spruce Street bridge in the background.

March 23, 2023:  Servicing the Stream-Gauging Stations


Above:  At monitoring station Q1 on the Quittie mainstem on Garfield St. in Cleona, Kent Crawford explains some aspect of the pressure transducers that measure variations in streamflow, the data loggers that record the data, and the staff plate that measures the height of the flowing water, as Katie Hollen and Johanna Willieme of the Lebanon County Conservation District look on and listen, with Gary Zelinske watching and listening at left.


Above:  Looking upstream at monitoring station BK1 on Beck Creek off Bricker Lane.  Kent Crawford offers a helping hand to Gary Zelinske as he wades into the stream so he can clean and check the staff plate affixed to the bridge, as Katie Hollen and Johanna Willieme look on and Michael Schroeder snaps a selfie from atop the bridge.


Above: Gary Zelinske scrubs the staff plate affixed to the bridge so we can tell how high the water is.  The PVC pipe holds the pressure transducer at the bottom and the data logger at the top.  




Additional photographs are forthcoming.



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