This is Page 4 on the Quittie Creek Streambank Restoration Project in Annville PA, photo-documenting the project during the eight weeks from the beginning of phase 2 on Thursday, June 23 to Thursday, August 18, 2016.
Background information on this long-awaited project can be found on the "Projects & Grants" page. Detailed maps of virtually every foot of the project can be found on the "Studies & Documents" page, in particular the "Design Report" and the "Maps" listed under May 2012.
Weeks 86-89: June 23—July 26, 2016
Huzzah! Phase 2 officially commenced with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Swingholm Pedestrian Bridge at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 23 -- an event amply covered by the local press, as seen in the images below from the Lebanon Daily News and the Lebanon Area Merchandiser.
And here's the July 6 front page of the Merchandiser:
Work on the project did not actually begin for another four weeks . . . but by the first day of autumn in September, most of the work was complete. The remainder of this page is forthcoming soon, awaiting only sufficient time on the part of the website administrator. Thanks for your patience.
Weeks 90—91: July-August 2016
Content forthcoming . . .
These pages, like the project they document, are in progress.