Friends & Allies
The following non-profit organizations & public entities are considered friends & allies of the Quittapahilla Watershed Association, some by virtue of the work they do, others to the extent they provide useful information in our effort to protect, conserve, and enhance the water quality & natural habitats of the Quittie Creek & Chesapeake Bay watersheds.
Lebanon County PA
Lebanon County Conservation District
Lebanon County Planning Department
Lebanon Valley Conservancy
Lebanon County Clean Water Alliance (LCCWA -- no website or Facebook page, but contacts are Kris Troup at
<[email protected]> and Stephanie Harmon at <[email protected]>)
Swatara Creek Watershed Association
Swatara State Park
Doc Fritchey Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Quittapahilla Audubon Society
Quittie Creek Nature Park Committee of the Friends of Old Annville (FOOA)
Quittapahilla Creek Garbage Museum (Facebook page)
Lancaster County PA
Hammer Creek Watershed Association
Lancaster County Watersheds
Lancaster County Conservation District
Tri-County Conewago Creek Association
Pennsylvania State Organizations
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA-DCNR)
- Growing Greener Grants
Department of Environmental Protection (PA-DEP)
Pennsylvania State Bulletin - Official site of information and rule making
Pennsylvania Code - Official rules and regulations of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Pennsylvania Organizations for Watersheds & Rivers - Information on all of the watersheds in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission
Regional, National & Federal Organizations
American Rivers
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Cauyga Anti-Fracking Alliance
Natural Resources Defense Council
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Surf Your Watershed (EPA)
- Municipal MS4s (EPA)
U.S. Geological Survey
- - Water Resources of the United States
- - National Streamflow Information Program
- - Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds
Other Environmental Sites
Waterkeeper Alliance
Earthsite - The Official Site of International Earth Day
Clean Water Action Network (Facebook page)
Sierra Club
National Wildlife Federation
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Izaak Walton League of America
The following non-profit organizations & public entities are considered friends & allies of the Quittapahilla Watershed Association, some by virtue of the work they do, others to the extent they provide useful information in our effort to protect, conserve, and enhance the water quality & natural habitats of the Quittie Creek & Chesapeake Bay watersheds.
Lebanon County PA
Lebanon County Conservation District
Lebanon County Planning Department
Lebanon Valley Conservancy
Lebanon County Clean Water Alliance (LCCWA -- no website or Facebook page, but contacts are Kris Troup at
<[email protected]> and Stephanie Harmon at <[email protected]>)
Swatara Creek Watershed Association
Swatara State Park
Doc Fritchey Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Quittapahilla Audubon Society
Quittie Creek Nature Park Committee of the Friends of Old Annville (FOOA)
Quittapahilla Creek Garbage Museum (Facebook page)
Lancaster County PA
Hammer Creek Watershed Association
Lancaster County Watersheds
Lancaster County Conservation District
Tri-County Conewago Creek Association
Pennsylvania State Organizations
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA-DCNR)
- Growing Greener Grants
Department of Environmental Protection (PA-DEP)
Pennsylvania State Bulletin - Official site of information and rule making
Pennsylvania Code - Official rules and regulations of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Game Commission
Pennsylvania Organizations for Watersheds & Rivers - Information on all of the watersheds in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission
Regional, National & Federal Organizations
American Rivers
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Cauyga Anti-Fracking Alliance
Natural Resources Defense Council
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Surf Your Watershed (EPA)
- Municipal MS4s (EPA)
U.S. Geological Survey
- - Water Resources of the United States
- - National Streamflow Information Program
- - Consortium for Scientific Assistance to Watersheds
Other Environmental Sites
Waterkeeper Alliance
Earthsite - The Official Site of International Earth Day
Clean Water Action Network (Facebook page)
Sierra Club
National Wildlife Federation
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
Izaak Walton League of America